Jazz Cafe Opens at the Berryville Campus
Grafton is proud to announce the opening of the Jazz Cafe at the Berryville campus on Thursday, September 26, 2013. Degollado, an experimental rock duo featuring Nic McInturff and Christopher Feltner will serve as the first performers.
The cafe will feature live musical peformances for clients and astaff. While enjoying a wide variety of musical genres, clients will also have an oppportunity to improve their cultural awareness, develop pro-social interactions and hopefully, think and feel differently about the impact of music in their day to day lives. As one client recently shared, “Music therapy has taught me to be me. I am ore comfortable around others and have learned to trust others more. Most importantly, I have learned to ‘go with the flow’ and see mistakes differently. It is also cool to be in group (music therapy) to get other people’s perspectives on how you are coming across.”
For more information about Music Therapy, please read the September issue of Continuums, Grafton’s quarterly E-Newsletter.