Lower Use Of Restraints & Seclusion Linked To Safety Improvements & Lower Costs
A recent journal article, co-authored by Kim Sanders, Grafton Executive Vice President and President of Ukeru Systems, was highlighted in The OPEN MINDS Circle market intelligence report highlighted:
Reducing the use of restraints and eliminating seclusion at a behavioral healthcare facility that serves at-risk and high-risk clients with intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD), and psychiatric disabilities resulted in reducing staff injuries. The lower injury rate resulted in lower lost-time expenses, lower turnover cost, and lower workers compensation policy costs. Between 2003 and 2016, the facility decreased the use of restraints by 99%. During the same period, staff injuries due to a restraint declined by 97%, and client-induced staff injury declined by 64%. At the same time, consumer goal mastery increased by 133%.
Read the full story here.