The First Step
In spite of the pain and anger that we feel while watching yet another fatal example of intolerance and injustice in our country (compounded by a global trauma that continues to drag on day after day) all of our staff continues to lead. This steadfast focus on the people we serve is especially remarkable for our employees of color, who are once again confronted by the racism that surrounds us and touches everything in this country. We stand together as the Grafton family to be a part of the change that is so very necessary.
So today at Grafton Integrated Health Network we take the following stand: all of us must confront racism and bigotry where we see it both inside and outside of our company. We know something about institutional change. We were able to stop our own use of physical restraint and seclusion in most of our programs and severely limit it in the others. We did it TOGETHER. It was owned by no one, and made possible by everyone. We are now assisting other provider organizations throughout the United States and beyond. We recognize that this same unity of purpose will be the only way that we can improve our company and our country – by continuing to actively support the individuals we work with and all of our employees on a daily basis. Join us in beginning the difficult work of ensuring that we are truly equitable, that opportunities are equally available, and that the dialogue and positive action continues not only for our clients, but also for each other.
The first step in the process will be the convening of a workgroup of key internal stakeholders with Grafton’s CEO and his leadership team to begin the dialogue and to develop a go-forward strategic plan.