Vol 4 • Issue 3 • June 2013
I am excited to share some news about Grafton’s most recent innovation, created to support a process that has been a big focus of ours for years – goal mastery. Grafton recently partnered with AudioEye, an innovative tech company based in Arizona. This partnership was based upon our commitment to data-driven decision- making, and involved the creation of a tablet-based application that automates much of what our professionals have had to do manually. In the process, we discovered that this application could have far-reaching impact in many different settings in which collecting, analyzing and communicating about data is central to success.
Grafton’s goal mastery process was designed to provide a structured and sustainable system to identify, monitor, and evaluate client progress and to embed data-based decision-making into the transdisciplinary treatment and instruction planning teams. There are several steps to this goal mastery process:
1. Conducting a thorough assessment of the individual’s strengths and needs;
2. Writing goals that are functional, measurable, and specific to the needs;
3. Collecting data, typically on a weekly basis;
4. Graphing data and comparing them to a Minimum Growth Line
5. Determining level of progress according to a specific standard;
6. Providing a reporting mechanism to identify goal mastery rates at all levels within the organization.
When the data trend indicates the goal is not on track for mastery, six primary decision-support factors (Six M’s) are explored to help the transdisciplinary team evaluate the situation and make recommendations for changes to treatment and instruction. After an initial baseline goal mastery rate of 35% when this initiative first started and progressive increases over the year, Grafton has maintained a goal mastery rate at or above 80% for the past several years.
We choose the name REBOOT for the software, “Reliable Evidence-Based Outcomes Optimization Technologies”. When a system is not working correctly, you reboot. A system can refer to technology, treatment, instruction, performance improvement, etc., The system can include individuals, environments, policies, practices and procedures, resources, monitoring systems, etc. and the target for improvement could be an individual’s goal, program’s goals or an organization’s goals.
REBOOT involves the following:
- Recognizing when a system is not working correctly and reevaluating and jump starting the system to have a better outcome;
- Moving towards solutions and success;
- Being active and adjusting variables to ensure progress;
- Being mindful of ineffective practices and procedures;
The use of mobile technologies allows us to truly focus on client outcomes and enables us to have real time information related to client progress. We are excited about this revolutionary platform and believe it will change the way our clients and families utilize data-driven treatment and outcomes tracking. A short video outlining our goal mastery process is now available on our web site. Link to video
- Grafton won the 2013 National Council Award for Excellence in Behavioral Healthcare Management for its innovative program to minimize risk and liability, “Ukeru”—The Least Resistance Approach to Crisis Management. The organization was recognized at the National Council Awards banquet on April 9th.
- Shamsi Sadeghzadeh, Director of Outreach presented “Innovative and Proactive Strategies for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders,” at the 57th annual American Association of Residential Treatment Centers conference on April 9th.
- Kim Sanders, Executive Vice President and Chief Outcomes Officer provided the keynote address, “Real Experience: Moving from Control to Comfort” at the 13th annual provider forum on restraint/seclusion prevention at the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health in Boston on May 2nd.
- Vanessa Lane, Director, Accounts Receivable presented “CSA Contracting: Best Practices through Partnership and Shared Vision,” at the 2nd annual CSA conference in Roanoke, Virginia on April 30th.
- Andrea Coote, Parliamentary Secretary for Families and Community Services in Victoria, Australia is scheduled to visit Grafton July 8th—July 10th to learn more about Grafton’s best practice methods. Since 2009, Grafton has been providing consultation and training in Australia related to “Ukeru”—The ‘Least Resistance’ Approach to Crisis Management and “Goal Mastery” or data driven support for clinical and organization decision-making. One of Ms. Coote’s primary responsibilities within the Disability Sector is to collaborate with individuals, families and organizations to ensure that there is a person-centered approach to disability support in Victoria, Australia. Following her visit, it is expected that Ms. Coote will report to the Premier Denis Napthine (analogous to State Governor) on her impressions and findings.
- Jim Gaynor, CEO/President, Lisa Marshall, Director, Research and Outcomes and Kim Sanders will present “Technology Infrastructures for Evidence-Based and Person-Centered Actualization of Sustainable Positive Outcomes,” at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) conference in Tokyo, Japan scheduled in August 2013.